Friday, September 30, 2011

Samira Restaurant

The boys were with their dad, so I had some alone time (YES!).  So, I chose to dine alone in a place in which they wouldn't be caught dead...

I expected to not know what anything was on the menu; I wasn't disappointed.  Sure, I know what kebabs are,  but what fun is that?  I ordered the Samor Lawang with Lamb.  First I received a few slices of marinated carrots and a grilled slice of eggplant.  Both were strongly oiled/seasoned, and not to my taste.  The bread basket arrived, and it was a bit different too.  That's ok; I expect different.  I had a piece, which was ok.  When the tomato/lentil soup arrived, I drained it.  When I've cooked with lentils, there are tons.  This was more like a vegetable soup with a few lentils tossed in too.  It was good.

When the Samore Lawang arrived, I was surprised.  I didn't know what to expect, but it was presented so nicely.  A circle of large sauteed mushrooms (delicious!), rice inside the ring, and some colorful vegetable strips atop.  All was covered in some type of great sauce.  Chunks of lamb were tossed on top, too.  I enjoyed it quite a bit and couldn't finish it all.  I took the rest home (smelling up my car, home, and refrigerator) and had the rest the next day.  Ahhhh, finally something I can leave in the frig that the teen boys won't touch!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

TGI Friday's

My sons aren't as adventurous with food as I.  Take a look at the places we've been, and it'll be obvious they are all rather mundane choices.  I love the variety of Bloomington.  They do to, as long as "variety" means Fridays, Chili's & Applebees.  LOL

What can I say?  I had the Sizzling Chicken.  It sizzled.  It was pretty good, but not nearly as fabulous as the similar item at Chili's (with the green sauce..).  The boys had a club sandwich (reported to be pretty good) and chicken fingers (reported to be very dry).  They ended up fighting over the rest of my sizzling chicken. 

Good, not great.  Just what you'd expect from a chain... 

Monday, September 26, 2011

La Torre

Art & Leo wanted a ride to the mall with their buddy Abe.  What a better way to kill time than go eat :-)
So...  I went in the funkily-painted La Torre.  After seeing their awful color scheme, I was pleasantly surprised by the interior.  Cute!  And outdoor seating!  I love outdoor seating!  It was a bit cool for me to sit outside (although a couple heartier ladies were enjoying it... seated next to a heater), so I will probably return when the weather improves...
I had a shredded beef burrito and rice.  There sure was a lot of food on my plate, but I just didn't care for it so much.  I really want to find a good Mexican place :-(

So, dear readers (all 5 of you -- hahaha), where is the best Mexican restaurant in Bloomington?

Thursday, September 15, 2011

La Charreda

It was Leo's birthday -- he wanted Mexican.  It may be the only Mexican restaurant I've ever been to that my waitress was native English speaking...  The food was fine -- nothing great and nothing bad.  Stomach still feels funny the next morning, though.  If I return, will have to get something less greasy than the burrito...

Three birthdays while we were there.  Two had noisemakers and a crowd singing.  Leo, turning 12, had only one singer and another clapping.  What's up with that?!  He did like the fried ice cream.

So...  where is the best place to get Mexican food in Bloomington?

Friday, September 9, 2011

Mother Bear's Pizza

The sign outside touting "4th Best in Nation" set our expectations high.  Mother Bear's didn't disappoint.  Leo and I kept it simple and just ordered the Deluxe pizza -- pepperoni, sausage, onions, mushrooms, and green pepper.  Other choices had great names such as The Divine Swine and Tuscaloosa Touchdown.  Leo wasn't willing to try anything but a standard pie.

The pizza was wonderful.  I gained over a pound sitting at that table :-(

Art was pouting and didn't want pizza.  He ordered 10 wings, which he proclaimed "decent."  He chowed through those, had a slice of pizza, then finished off the rest of the pizza on the way home.  Teens...

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Bub's Burgers

Uggggghhhhh.  I usually don't review the restaurant shortly after eating there.  Tonight I am, and I'm hurting :-(

I saw all the photos of those who've eaten the one-pound burger.  One kid ate four -- are you kidding me?!  Leo and I both ordered a "Settle for Less Ugly" cheeseburger, which is a quarter-pound (after cooking).  It was ok, but not as incredible as I'd heard.  But the killer?  The Sloppy Waffles -- waffle fries covered in cheddar cheese sauce, bacon and topped with sour cream!  As if that wasn't enough, Leo requested chili added.  It tasted great, but OMG my stomach is killing me.

There goes the two pounds I'd lost...  Sigh

Bucceto's Smiling Teeth

From the menu:  Italian meatloaf - a gorgeous neapolitan hunk served with potatoes, salad & bread 10.95

Damn.  I could've save a lot of money...  My ex-husband is a gorgeous neapolitan hunk.  Immigration fees easily exceeded $1k.  I could've had one for $10.95!? 

Due to living in Italy and then living with the meatloaf ;-) the kids and I are quite picky with our Italian food.  Bucceto's didn't even come close.  Art's ravioli was was undercooked.  My linguini was a bit overcooked.  The flavor of mine was good (basil pesto), though.  Leo's spaghetti and meatballs (which you'd NEVER find in Italy, BTW) was the best.  I don't think any of us finished our meals, and Art & Leo had even ordered kid portions (saving room for Cold Stone next door). 

I know my glass of Chianti should not be refrigerated, but it also should not be served at kitchen temperature.  My boys were the ones who pointed out the wine rack leaning up against the pizza oven.  Sigh.

So sad to be disappointed here :-(

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Upland Brewery

"Where's the rest of it?"

I had the best time here.  It was my birthday!  As I told people in the bar later, it was my 21 times 2 (plus 1) birthday.  Can you tell I'm an enginerd?  Anyway, I had a great gathering of gals -- Mary Jo & Sarah from my childhood and Nancy & Shar from the adult years.  Get that many ladies together, add alcohol, and conversation suddenly becomes naughty.  I'm sure those at neighboring tables got quite an earful...

After a bit of a wait, we had outdoor seating.  There was a band playing 70s and 80s music, which was perfect for us -- it spanned from our childhood through the college years.  Awesome!  A member of the band stopped by at our table to see what all our excitement was about (well, I was wearing my new penis tiara).  The band name was Colonel Angus, which had me asking about his affinity for cattle.  He told me to read the band name aloud.  I get it now...

The waiter gets high points for keeping the drinks rolling -- enough that the food is a blur.  Oops.  I remember thinking my Frenchiladas were good, but small.  They must've listened to whomever decided a serving size is a stack of cards...  I recall seeing Mary Jo had a big salad.  Sarah was on a liquid diet ;-)

I was still sober when I was looking at the menu.  I'll be back for all the great choices, especially if Colonel Angus is playing :-)