Monday, April 30, 2012

Red Lobster

This is one of those places that I didn't ever plan to go.  I'm not really a seafood fan.  I lived near a coast for about ten years, so the thought of chain seafood in Indiana wasn't very appealing.  But my date (yes, I do have those!) wanted to go there. 

There were very few people in the place on a Sunday evening.  The service was very attentive -- so much that we had to send the waiter away a few times because we kept chatting instead of looking at the menu. 

The waiter brought these amazing bread/biscuit-type things.  I'm not sure what they were, but I could've just eaten those.  I was surprised to see there was a separate, dated menu with a few "fresh" options.  I recall trout and tilapia both being on there, so I suppose it's possible...  I instead ordered the Mahi Mahi -- the most flavorless fish I know (did I mention I'm not a seafood fan?). 

A salad was brought fairly quickly.  It was ok but took up some of the space I needed for the bread :)  When the mahi mahi arrived, it was served atop rice pilaf and next to the tiniest baked potato I've ever seen.  Everything tasted fine -- nothing exceptional (but the bread) and nothing bad.  If someone has a seafood craving, I suppose it'll do.  But I'm not one to have those...

Thursday, April 19, 2012

HuHot Mongolian Grill

I've been to Chinese restaurants that had a Mongolian grill section, but this was the first time I've been to a restaurant that was exclusively that. 

So here's how it works.  There is something resembling a salad bar.  Take a dish, walk the length of the bar, and put in anything that appeals.  The first things are raw meats and seafood.  Then there are a bunch of vegetables (some of which I couldn't identify).  Move along to the next bar, and there are sauces and oils.  Unlike other MGrills I've been to, they kindly had recipe cards for you to aid in selecting how many ladles of each sauce/oil (and the meats/veggies, if you want a specific item).  The sauces are sorted mild to hot, so you can avoid a big surprise.

Walk your overflowing bowl over to the grill, and there are a few guys cooking.  As you wait for yours, they have a bit of fun with throwing/spinning their utensils.  Get your freshly made concoction, dive in at the table, and repeat.  By the time we'd returned to our table, we had soup/salad (mine was soup/his was salad) and torillas waiting.  Tortillas???

I tried a couple times, and still had the same trouble I've had at other places (without the use of recipe cards) -- anything I make is not as good as if i order off the menu.  I knowI just need more attemps at sauce/oil combinations -- my first was too peanutty and the second too sweet.  But it'll be fun to keep trying :-)

Monday, April 2, 2012

Malibu Grill

After a very rainy weekend, it finally cleared off Sunday afternoon.  I gathered Leo & Art into the car and off we went in search of a restaurant with outdoor seating.  Malibu Grill wasn't full, so we went there.  I quickly ordered a glass of wine and settled in on the patio.

I started searching the menu, only to discover I had the four-page drink menu.  OMG, what a lot a drinks!  I swapped to the food menu and selected the Penne alla Vodka (BTW, if you are in Italy, remember to pronounce both n's in penne!).  Art opted for the special, swordfish.  Leo ordered a double-cheeseburger.

The penne was very good.  The double-cheeseburger was way too much for Leo; he should've ordered the single.  Art enjoyed his first encounter with swordfish (although he was hoping to get the sword...  LOL).  It was a great meal, but I need to save it for special occasions (more special than a sunny Saturday afternoon...).  It was probably the most expensive meal we've had yet.