Sunday, October 16, 2011

Panda Express

I'd been looking forward to my Saturday night date.  I've had so few dates this year that it's comical.  Anyway, plans fell through (don't ask...), so I was looking at a Saturday night by myself.  My kids were staying with friends, so I didn't want to feel like a pathetic loser, at home by myself on a Saturday night.

So, I was a pathetic loser, eating out by myself on a Saturday night...  I got all dressed up as if I was going on a date.  Hopped in the car, and started driving around to see where I wouldn't be completely obvious that I was alone.  I was in the mood for Chinese food.  Driving towards the square, I spotted Panda Express.  Ok, that should do.  

I went in and was transported to Jin-Jin, my favorite eatery in northwest Florida (where I used to live).  The signs were the same.  The menu was the same (except for the header). The level of cleanliness (not!) was the same.   Even the tile floor was the same.  So, I ordered my Jin-Jin addiction, Curry Chicken and had a seat at a not-so-clean table.  The familiar styrofoam container arrived, and I opened it to see that it even looked like Jin-Jin's curry chicken!  First taste, I was preparing to be transported.  I wasn't very enthused by the first taste.  Perhaps I got too much rice and not enough curry sauce?  Next bite was rice-free.  Still bland.  So sad...  I salted everything and ate it, but it was merely transformed from bland to ok.  Jin-Jin, I miss you! 

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