Monday, January 30, 2012


I had an evening alone, so I thought I'd try somewhere new.  Caravan shares an entrance with Puccini's La Dolce Vita on 4th St, which confused me a bit...  For some unknown reason, it was freezing in Caravan the night I went.  I had to leave my coat on throughout the meal...  

The waitresses were very helpful with all the clueless people trying to figure out what things were.  I opted for the Sample for One, which had quite a few choices.  I chose the following:

badenjaan pallao --   (Persian) Fried eggplant with tomato sauce, served over Basmati rice and topped with Persian yogurt sauce

dinich --  (Ethiopian) Fresh eggplant and potatoes simmered in curry

kik wat -- (Ethiopian) slow-cooked spiced lentils

yebeg wat --  (Ethiopian) Cubes of lamb simmered in spicy Wat sauce

Everything was served on a large piece of Ethiopian flat bread (which I didn't particularly care for) with some salad in the middle.  I really liked the lamb.  The other stuff was interesting.  I couldn't really tell which was which, so I'll just stick with "interesting."  :)  

I'm glad I went.  It was fun to try.  But I probably won't be back. 

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