Monday, May 7, 2012

Noodles & Co.

My niece has told me this is her favorite restaurant.  Lena and I wanted to eat somewhere outside (a lovely afternoon).  Noodles & Co. had outdoor seating and parking nearby -- both surprising on the Saturday afternoon of IU graduation weekend.

Lena ordered Chicken Noodle Soup and I had the Thai Curry Soup.  They were delivered to us outside, and we dug in.  I now understand why I see noodles being slurped up from the bowl -- there was no way to get a long noodle to sit nicely in a spoon.  They would slide out.  I briefly thought about cutting them with a knife (would Miss Manners faint at a knife inside a bowl of soup?), but then just started slurping away.  My soup was ok, nothing great.  Lena felt the same about hers.  Sigh.

The people watching was extraordinary.  Lots of graduates and their proud families.  Lots of small dresses and high heels.  Dudes in ties and shades, trying to look cool.  People standing in the middle of Kirkwood to get pix with the Sample Gates in the background.  There was one happy couple -- the dark-headed guy holding up his diploma and his cute blonde girlfriend holding up hers -- upside-down.  Was that on purpose?  Another dude, after his pic, started immediately running back to the curb.  A car had to slam on brakes to avoid hitting him.  Ok dude, you got the diploma but don't know to look before crossing the street? 

I'm not sure what the fuss is with Noodles & Co.  Did we order the wrong thing?

1 comment:

  1. Angie,

    I don't think it is the best restaurant in the world, but it has this advantage... A single mom friend of mine likes it because she can take her 10 year old daughter there for the mac and cheese, and she can get "adult" food, (and get away from an endless stream of burgers pizza and wings) all at a reasonable price.

